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Вопросы лостовчан

Интервью с Майклом Эмерсоном

Разместил: KIM      Дата: 28 сентября 2008, 00:42

Re: Интервью с Майклом Эмерсоном

6 октября 2008, 14:26

JK: My plan is this. I am going to throw our next guest into a cell, tie him up, beat him severely and make him tell me what the hell is going on with his TV show. He’s a great actor who you know as either Henry Gale or Ben Linus, the leader of the Others. Lost airs Wednesday nights here on ABC. Please welcome Michael Emerson.
Michael enters, everyone applauds
JK: Thank you for coming. It’s great to have you here.
ME: It’s good to be here.
JK: You do a great job on the show and, you know, I accosted you at a party and told you that.
ME: You did. It made you very dear to me.
JK: Oh really? Oh, good. That’s the sort of thing that warms people up to you, if they like it.
ME: (laughs) Yes.
JK: You were… did you know you were going to be on Lost for as much as it’s turned out to be you are.
ME: No. This was supposed to be one in a string of guest spots I’ve done on a zillion shows playing sort of damaged and dangerous characters. So I was thrilled because I knew the show was popular and it seemed an intriguing sort of locale to go to. But my wife, however, who’s a hardcore Lostie, she jumped up and down and wept.
JK: Oh, really?
ME: Yes.
JK: So now, is she still really into the show, that you’re on the show?
ME: Oh, yeah, she is. And you know, it’s tough for her because, as a hardcore Lostie, she doesn’t want any spoilers around and I’m nothing but a giant spoiler.
JK: Yeah.
ME: So she’s torn between not wanting me to say anything and wanting me to give her just a little bit of dirt, you know. She’s so bad that she won’t watch what’s coming up next on Lost.
JK: She won’t watch the teaser at the end?
ME: Yeah, the thing, next on Lost, which is so good.
JK: I watch that in slow motion. Yeah, I do, honestly. Really? Wow. But she knows…so do you have a contract to be on the show or do you have no idea when it will end?
ME: I don’t have any idea.
JK: Because right now on the show, you need an operation, we think. We don’t actually know, nothing is…
ME: It sorta looks that way.
JK: And your name. You’ve had two names on the show.
ME: Yeah, what’s up with that?
JK: Which is confusing.
ME: It confuses me.
JK: You were Henry at the beginning. Henry Gale was a character in The Wizard of Oz.
ME: Dorothy’s uncle.
JK: Dorothy’s uncle. And supposedly you came over in a balloon, which made it even stranger. And now your character’s name, we’ve learned your ‘real name’ is Ben Linus. Is that you’re real name?
ME: God only knows.
JK: You don’t know.
ME: I think there’s…you know how everything has layers on Lost? Who knows what we’re going to arrive at for a proper name?
JK: You have no idea.
ME: It still says Henry Gale on my trailer. And the crew calls me Henry.
JK: The crew calls you Henry?
ME: It’s tough to leave that behind.
JK: Yeah. Wouldn’t the crew learn your real name at this point?
ME: (laughs)
JK: Are they accepting you over there? Because you know what happens. If you ever get a DUI they immediately kill you on the show.
ME: I’ve been told that.
JK: Yeah, you have to be really careful because it’s easy to get one in Hawaii because they give you pineapples full of whatever and straws and everything.
ME: And the speed limit is 25 miles an hour.
JK: That’s right. And suddenly you’re arrested and then you’re dead.
ME: Yeah, it’s tough.
JK: And that’s no good at all.
ME: They say there’s no connection there but it worries me.
JK: Yeah, they’re definitely lying about that, too. They lie about a lot of things. They even lie to the actors. They tell the actors, ‘Oh, yeah, you’re going to be doing this and that’ then it turns out that’s not the case.
ME: It’s not really a lie. It’s building suspense.
JK: My mother calls them lies. Do you feel they don’t trust you, like the producers don’t trust you with more information than you need to know?
ME: No, I think they haven’t written it yet.
JK: You think they haven’t…is that…because I do wonder about that all the time, because you see things happen. Like, do you think that when your character became the leader of the Others that that was the plan all along or they just thought, ‘This guy’s great, we’ve got to keep him on the show’?
ME: I’m going to guess that that evolved out of performance.
JK: I see. Interesting. So there is no plan whatsoever on this program?
ME: I think there’s a sort of general outline, but within that outline there’s room for a lot of loose play.
JK: Who the hell are those two good looking people that showed up on the show all of the sudden last week?
ME: I knew you were going to ask me that.
JK: You don’t know?
ME: You will be informed at a time when it’s appropriate.
JK: I will? And where have they been for the last two years? They been standing to the side of the camera? I mean, what is…you like living in Hawaii?
ME: Hawaii is great. You know, such a beautiful place, it’s so healthy and it smells good and the people could not be sweeter. I’m thinking for me it’s not maybe a perfect fit, maybe because I’m a New Yorker. I feel a little bit like Woody Allen in the jungle.
JK: Really.
ME: You know, but it’s – it’s good. You know, there’s such an emphasis on water sports there, but I’m a little worried about water. For me, water sport is I have an inflatable ring and I do the crossword.
JK: (laughs) Right. You’re not an outdoorsy type. You don’t like running on the beach, or…
ME: Not so much.
JK: Nothing like that.
ME: And then there’s earthquakes.
JK: And yeah, there was an earthquake. Were you there for that earthquake?
ME: I was indeed.
JK: Really? Was it bad?
ME: It was…you know, I woke up clutching the bedclothes to keep from being bounced out of the bed.
JK: Really? It was that strong?
ME: And that was the high point of the day. Then after that all the lights went out and then life got really interesting in Waikiki, which is where I live. Because here you have, you know, forty thousand tourists living in high rise hotels with no power, no elevators, no water. So everybody’s down on the street, you know, looking for bottled water and batteries.
JK: And then there’s the guy from Lost. (laughs) And really, that’s when you go like, ‘Oh no, maybe something terrible is about to happen’.
ME: I’m walking down the sand and a guy comes up to me and he goes, ‘Wait a minute. You’re on Lost. You’re Henry Gale. You’re walking around? With people?’ Like, I think he thought there was an invisible celebrity lane, that so you wouldn’t have to be…
(cut to wider shot of Val Kilmer chuckling)
JK: Yeah, there is. It’s called the drunk tank over there.
ME: (Michael’s excellent laugh!)
JK: Wow. That’s something else. Well, we have a clip of the show, and maybe this is a good time for your wife to turn off the television if she’s watching.
ME: Yeah, she might want to do that. Carrie.
JK: This is…this is great, because nobody’s seen this. This is from next week’s episode.
ME: How did you get it?
JK: Ah, they gave it to us. I’ll be honest. We didn’t do anything. But take a look. Here’s Michael Emerson in Lost.

Clip – Spoliers!

Jack: The tumor on your spine is borderline inoperable and at the rate it’s growing that borderline goes away in about one week.
Ben: Oh.
Jack: The OR we were in – is it fully equipped?
Juliet: Yes.
Jack: Anesthesia? Sterile?
Juliet: Yes.
Jack: You need to be in surgery yesterday.
Ben: All right, then. Whatever you need, it’s yours. I’m ready.
Jack: No, I think you misunderstood me. I didn’t say I was going to do it. I just wanted you to know how you’re going to die.

End clip

JK: Oh, look at that. That’s come great acting. Michael Emerson, Lost, Wednesday nights at nine here on ABC.

Closing Goodbyes

JK: Michael Emerson! Terrifying and creeping us all out on Lost, Wednesday night at nine on ABC.


Автор: skinny_bacon.
Источник: http://community.livejournal.com/henrygalelovers/49378.html

Re: Интервью с Майклом Эмерсоном

8 октября 2008, 10:57

JK: Вот мой план. Я собираюсь кинуть нашего следующего гостя в клетку, связать его, сильно бить, и заставить его сказать мне, какого черта происходит на его телевизионном шоу/сериале. Это великий актер, которого вы знаете также как Генри Гейл или Бен Лайнус, лидер Других. Лост выходит вечерами в среду здесь, на ЭйБиСи. Добро пожаловать, Майкл Эмерсон.
(Входит Майкл, все аплодируют)
JK: Спасибо, что пришли. Огромная честь, что вы на нашем шоу.
ME: Хорошо быть у вас.
JK: Вы великолепно играете в сериале и, вы знаете, я встретил вас на одной вечеринке и сказал вам это.
ME: Говорили. Вы мне понравились.
JK: На самом деле? Вы относитесь к типу людей, которые любят внимание?
ME: (смеется) Да.
JK: Вы... Вы знали, что вы будете в Лост так долго, как оказалось?
ME: Нет. Предполагалось быть в ряде гостевых/эпизодических ролей, которых я сыграл несметное количество в разных шоу, играя образы вредителей и опасных героев. Я был сильно взволнован, потому что я знал, что сериал был популярен и казалось, что интригующий образ будет к месту. А моя жена, которая является ярой лостовчанкой, места себе не находила, вскакивала, увлечена была до слез.
JK: Правда?
ME: Да.
JK: Значит сейчас она все еще живет сериалом, в котором вы снимаетесь?
ME: О-о, да. И вы знаете, это здорово, потому что она ярая лостовчанка, она не хочет никаких спойлеров, я огромный спойлер, но ничего не говорю. /Спойлер - то или тот, кто заранее сообщает о том, что должно было оставаться неизвестным, и тем самым портит удовольствие от чтения, просмотра и т.п./ Lingvo.ru
JK: Да-а.
ME: Вы знаете, она разрывается между тем, чтобы не ждать меня, чтобы я рассказал что-нибудь, и ждать, чтобы я хоть чуть-чуть посплетничал. Дошло до того, что она не хочет смотреть, что произойдет в следующей серии Лост.


Темы серий

31 января 2020, 22:36
21 марта 2018, 22:29
23 сентября 2016, 08:41
7 сентября 2016, 23:15
11 июня 2014, 20:56


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Отзывы к видео

20 января 2013, 15:49
30 декабря 2011, 13:43
12 марта 2011, 13:08

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